Twelfth Grade Student of the Year

     Lashondra Jones, a graduating senior at North Central HIgh School, was selected as twelfth grade student of the year. She was active in several organizations, the Beta Club, Science Club, Social Studies Club, and Math Club. Also, she was a dedicated and committed member of the NCHS publication class where she did an outstanding job selling ads for the yearbook.
     Graduating magna cum laude, with a perfect 4.0 average, Lashondra was class valedictorian. Some of her other accomplishments for the school year included the following: Science Award, English Award, Social Studies Award, Math Award, Who's Who Award, 4.0 GPA Award, Beta Award, and USNMA Award.
     Her goals for the future are to attend Northwestern University, earn a degree in medicine and eventually be referred to as Dr. Jones with a practice in Alexandria. By accomplishing her goals she will be making a statement, "It doesn't matter where you are from, but it is where you are going." According to Lashondra, "The younger generation will realize that they can achieve and excel in anything that they put their minds on doing. They will know that if they believe, they most definitely will achieve." She says that her choice of career is due to her interest in better understanding humanity. She wants to enlighten her knowledge of her brain's thinking patterns and behaviors. She says, "I would like to help others get a better personal understanding of themselves."
     Lashondra concludes by saying, "I want to thank God for He is the head of my life, because He has given me blessings, guidance, and unconditional love. Therefore, I must praise Him with my heart, soul, and mind.. That is why it gives me great honor to sing graceful melodies of harmony with Him within our community choir, PMG in Harmony, also known as Palmetto's most gifted. I would like to thank my mother and father for giving me the moral and financial support throughout the years. I would like to thank the North Central staff and my best friend in the whole world, Jessica Dye, for their teachings and for them giving me the courage to strive and reach my goals."