The North Central Flag Corps was established in the year 1999. It was established on the idea presented by Mr. Chris LeBlanc. Thriving on the idea presented by Mr. LeBlanc, and feasting upon the need for character of North Central High School, Steven Roy formed the group. He asked Joey Schexsnayder, Garrett Morain, and Willie Dixon to help him build upon the character of North Central. They agreed to do so. Next came the uniforms, Steven called Lt. Commander Dorsey at Opelousas High School, JROTC program, and asked him where he could get some uniforms. Commander Dorsey agreed to give the Flag Corps 4 uniforms. Later on they went to get the white shirts uponwhich they put the patches. "I have enjoyed all that I have done for the Flag Corps. It means a lot to me when someone comes up and says, 'I care.' I think that the student body has been encouraged by all of this," says Commander Steven Roy. The Flag Corps has helped in many ways, helping build the character of North Central High School is just one of them. |