Local Business Invests In the Community
James "Cobb" Bellard is the owner of B&B Building and Investors. He invested $500.00 in NCHS's girls basketball team on September 9, 1998. Mrs.Taylor said that they will use the money for new uniforms. Mr. Bellard feels that it is a privilege to support local high schools in this area as a business owner. He says, "We should encourage the leaders of tomorrow with our mind set on being charitable." Mr. Bellard also said, "I believe it is time for the adults to preach faith, honesty, and help for one another." He says that it reminds him of a familiar phrase, "The children are our future, and a tightly closed fist allows nothing in and nothing out." Mr. Bellard would like to thank the staff at NCHS for allowing him the opportunity to assist them in an ongoing battle to educate and support our youth.