Student development activities included officer training through leadership conferences such as "Made For Excellence" judging competition and tours of local post-secondary educational facilities. For chapter development, members conducted an awards banquet, fund raising activities, and attended FFA camp to learn new ideas for the chapter's program of works. In the area of community development, our members attended "FFA Day" at the legislature and visited with their legislators, conducted a hunter education safety program in conjunction with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, and participated in the "Food For Families" food drive.
North Central FFA was one of 414 National Chapter Award winners. They received a plaque which will be displayed in the agriculture classroom. The award program is sponsored by Cargill as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. The expenses for attending the convention were provided by the St. Landry Parish School Board and St. Landry Parish Farm Bureau along with other individual donations.
North Central FFA members and advisors wish to extend many thanks to all those who have faithfully given and supported their chapter's activities.