Junior Class Po-Boy Fund Raiser

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On January 13, 2005, the junior class at NCHS had a highly successful Po-Boy Fund Raiser.

Orders were taken from friends, family, and members of the surrounding communities.

The majority or the junior class participated, selling over two hundred po-boys.

The po-boys came in a paper bag with a soda, chips, and packets of mustard, ketchup, and mayo.

They were picked up in the concessions stand after lunch was served in the cafeteria. Some orders were delivered.

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apoboy.jpgTiesha and Donisha putting the po-boy in the po-boy bun bpoboy.jpgThe po-boy assembly line with Heidi in the middle work1.jpgMr. Normand, junior class sponsor, helped out in many ways.
work10.jpgErica (right) is serious about her work. work11.jpgTrikina has it under control. work2.jpgThe ladies take a break to pose for Mr. Martel.
work3.jpgRashetta seems to be in charge of the aluminum foil. work4.jpgCaina on her way, while Donisha, Heidi, and Erica discuss the operation work5.jpgRashetta (with her foil) and the fund raising committee members take a break for a yearbook picture.